Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Math isn't hard

...but working out what you were thinking over a year ago when you probably weren't getting enough sleep to properly express a thought, and now you certainly don't have enough brain power left at the end of the day to suss out what your sleep-deprived brain was thinking--that is hard.

I have a knitting pattern that I am writing for (how exciting) publication in a book being produced by my LYS, and I am thisclose to being done with it, but for those niggling little errors. Ack. Thanks be to the wonderful tech editor who's catching all the errors, but mother of purl, I want to be done. This will be my first pattern, and I don't want ANY errata associated with any of my knitting patterns (it happens, I know, but let's not on the first go), and I know that the LYS also is not a fan of errata. So, that's what I'm doing.

Pacing myself. This is what this looks like. I'm going to go to bed before I get in too deep and screw it all up. I have time set aside to work on this tomorrow.

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