Saturday, September 1, 2012


Here I sit comfortably, upon a settee,
With large waves of guilt overtaking me.
This blog, I've abandoned, or so it seems,
For idle amusement from internet memes.
I'm aware of my actions, but I can't seem to stop
This clicking on cats and other culture of pop.
A small voice pipes up, in the back of my head,
"But what about the commitment you publicly said,
To post to the blog on a regular schedule?
Will you renig on this too? Think of what you said, you'll
Be rather sorry if the grand promises made
Are forgotten like many other things and just left to fade."
I listened to this voice, my own voice of reason.
I've ignored it in the past, but now I'm more seasoned
I heed this advice that I give to myself.
So rather than let this blog gather dust on a shelf,
I'm on my couch, writing a post on my device,
(Which may be a bit hokey, but I find it quite nice,)
So that I may say that I have followed through
And created a new entry, dear reader, for you.
It may be a trope, hackneyed or old
To hear a story in couplet told.
I find it quite charming, this literary structure,
And will use it more in the future, I'm sure.
So that is all, I've done what is due.

a bientôt, mes petits choux

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