Monday, August 27, 2012


I learned HTML when Angelfire was just getting established, when Netscape was the cool alternative to IE, and when Lycos was a thing. And I haven't really used it since. I used to know hex colors and I totally knew how to use that new-fangled Google thing. Other than that new-fangled Google thing, the rest has rather fallen by the wayside.

And I just spent about half an hour, cutting and pasting a bunch of code all over the HTML for this blog, playing hide-and-seek with a silly Twitter 'follow me' button, all for the sake of.. what? Do I need to beg people to look at what I do online? Do I need to be in constant connection with the interwebs? What's my goal?

What's my motivation?

I know I want to develop my writing muscle--without use, any muscle atrophies. So, this, this blog, is an exercise. Exercise takes time, effort and discipline. I don't have a great track record as far as sticking with something that requires those ingredients. This may be my training arena. If I can stick this out, can make this go, what else can I do?

I can put a silly button on a blog, I know that.

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